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Welcome to our school 

I am incredibly proud to welcome you to Kirkheaton Primary School. We are an above average sized primary school, situated in the village of Kirkheaton serving a wider catchment area that extends from Cooper Bridge; to Hopton all the way to Dalton.

Our children are incredible! Our visions statement is to 'Believe,Succeed, Acheive' and we have 4 key values that we instill in all of our students: Rights, Respect, Resilience, Responsibility. These values weave their way throughout our curriculum and daily life at Kirkheaton, with the ultimate goal that children hold these true in their future and help to make their local area an even better place to be.

Safeguarding is the core of everything we do- we are relentless in making sure that everyone is kept safe in our school community. Our children talk about how safe and happy they feel at school; they tell visitors about the fun lessons and the leadership oppurtunities they get. 

We have a rich curriculum that is supported by an extensive extra- curricular programme; we help the children to know more and do more.

We have created a unique environment that can only be understood by visiting our school.


Mr R Coates


School calendar - what's happening?

Embedded Calendar


Telephone Number 01484 548049 

Email office@kirkheaton.spacademies.org

Any queries: to Mrs J Muncaster  

Principal: Mr R Coates

SENCO: Miss Bevan

Chair of governors: Mr Leigh Blanchard

Designated safeguarding lead: Mr Coates / Miss Lumb / Miss Bevan / Miss Oyston/ Mrs McBride and Mrs Muncaster

Paper copies of policy documents available through the school office

Latest News- Reception applications are open- for a visit please contact the school office
Monday 6th December- School Closed- Snow
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