School organisation

School teams
Foundation Stage Early Years Unit:
Nursery (N) and Reception (R). Age 3 to 5 years
Key Stage One:
Year 1 and year 2. Age 5 to 7 years
Key Stage Two:
Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. Age 7 to 11 years
The school day
Morning Session 8.45 am – 11.45 am
8:50 am School starts.
Morning Break 10:30 am – 10:45 am
Lunch Time 12:00pm – 1:00 pm (Reception 11.45-12.45)
Afternoon Break To be taken as required
School finishes 3:20 pm
We know that every minute counts in a child’s education and so we continually monitor punctuality and attendance. Please note that the register is closed at 9.00 am and after this time your child will receive a late mark. Teaching time in our school includes Religious Education but excludes the times of the day when we are involved in daily worship, pupil registration time and breaks/lunch. Our school assemblies follow the government recommendation of a broadly Christian content which covers the whole spectrum of world-wide religions.
School Opens: 8.50am -12pm
12pm-1pm- Lunchtime
1pm-3.20pm- End of the school day
Every pupil takes part in break at 10.30am every day until 10.45am
Total Time in School: 32.5 hours a week