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Making a complaint to the school

There may be times when you are unsure or unhappy about something which has happened in school.  In the first instance, talk to your child's class teacher either by telephone or by dropping in to school.  If you feel you have not reached a resolution this way, contact a senior leader in school.   Senior leaders will work with you to find out about the issues and take action to ensure everyone is happy and the situation is resolved.  Should you find that you still have concerns, Mr Coates will take on the concerns and follow up what has happened so far.  Further work will be done to ensure that the situation is fully sorted.  On the very rare occasions where parents remain unhappy with the action put together by school staff, there may be a need to involve the Chair of Governors, Leigh Blanchard.  The issue will then be dealt with by the school complaints committee who will take further action to ensure a full resolution has been gained. Please see the policy document below for a full explanation of how your complaint will be dealt with.


We operate along the principles of dealing with a problem when it is small rather than waiting for it to become a large issue. 


Complaints registered - annual report

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