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Medical Information

If your child needs mediation during the school day this can be brought into school for an agreed member of staff to administer.  Medication brought into school needs to have a consent form signed by a parent.  It must be handed over to a staff member in school and collected by an adult.  If your child is on the bus we need to know they are bringing in medication so that we can take the medication off them when they arrive in school.  This can be done by emailing the office or ringing school and leaving a message.  For medicines to be administered in school, a form needs to be completed at the school office.  These measures are in place to keep our children safe. 

We will always support any child with medical needs.  Please arrange an appointment with our SEND team to discuss the needs and help us to plan and prepare all the necessary arrangements to support your child.

Please read our medical policy for more infomation.

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