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Pupil Premium funding plan and Impact of Work

Brief explanation about the pupil premium and the allocation

The pupil premium is money in the school budget allocated to support children and families with lower incomes and children in families who work in the services such as the army.  It is calculated on the number of children who are registered as eligible for free school meals, or have been in the last 6 years and those who have a parent in the services.  Children who are ‘looked after’ also receive the pupil premium.

Schools have the freedom to choose how to spend this money related to the children’s needs.  The intention is that support will be targeted at helping these children achieve their very best.  The money can be spent supporting families directly e.g.; travel costs, trip expenditure, uniform costs, access to extracurricular activities.  It can also be spent on resources and activities which will impact on achievement and engagement for this particular group of children e.g. One to one support sessions, reading resources, enhancing the curriculum, intervention groups, extra teaching sessions and reading recovery programmes.

The plan below helps you to see what we are spending our allocation on and we will update it to show the impact of this spending.  The impact of the funding last year is included in the plan below.


This year,2024-2025, Kirkheaton Primary School received £74000 of pupil premium funding.  The plan details how this will be spent to continue to support children at our school.

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