Welcome to Kirkheaton Primary School Nursery!
Children attend Nursery for three hours each day, either in the morning or afternoon. The morning session runs from 8.50 until 11.50. The afternoon session runs from 12.20 until 3.20.
Children can attend Nursery from the term after they turn three.
Starting school is a very exciting time for both children and their parents but we recognise it can also be quite daunting. Our Nursery staff create a nurturing and welcoming environment for all children and develop wonderful relationships with the children and their families. We offer an open door policy so that parents and carers are welcome to come in at any point to discuss their child. It is very important to us that children feel welcome, happy and settled and so we offer home visits to all before they start in Nursery.
At various points in the year we hold family events, where parents and carers can come in to work with their children and see them within the Nursery environment.
We recognise that at this young age, so much of children's learning is done outside school, so we always welcome information about your child's experiences.
Throughout the year, the children will enjoy learning about a range of topics, including celebrations, winter and Jack and the Beanstalk. However, we also base a lot of our work around the children's own interests.
The children spend time inside and outside every day.

Learning through play
In Nursery, children learn in a variety of ways. The majority of their learning time is spent in play situations, both outdoor and indoor. They will also get to take part in whole class activities, such as making pizzas, learning numbers, singing songs and of course listening to stories. They will also work in small groups and on their own with the adults in the setting.