Welcome to Early Years, where playing is learning.
Intent Statement
At Kirkheaton Primary Academy, it is our mission to develop a life-long love of learning in all our children by working together with parents to help our children to become independent, resilient and ambitious learners. We endeavor to provide a wide-ranging, experience-based curriculum that values the whole child and recognises the different strengths of each individual. We also recognise that we all learn in different ways and so provide our children with a variety of indoor and outdoor purposeful, play-based learning opportunities. Language is central to children's learning in Early Years and is facilitated by meaningful interactions with adults. Above all we strive to ensure our children are happy and safe and that they develop care, respect and appreciation for others and the changing world around them.
Outdoor Learning
![IMG_0493[1] IMG_0493[1]](/kgfl/primary/kirkheatonpri/arenas/websitecontent/web/img_0493[1].jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)
The children love practising their maths skills during outdoor time.
The best classroom and the richest classroom, is roofed only by the sky.
Marget McMillan
Indoor learning
Making magic potions with our friends, whilst exploring our senses.
Role playing in our Chinese Restaurant, whilst learning about different cultures and celebrations.
Practising our cutting and sticking skills.
![IMG_0470[1] IMG_0470[1]](/kgfl/primary/kirkheatonpri/arenas/websitecontent/web/img_0470[1].jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)
Our Curriculum in Early Years
At the end of Reception, each child will be assessed against 17 key areas called the Early Learning Goals (ELG's). This is known as the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Profile. For each early learning goal, practitioners must judge whether a child is meeting the level of development expected at the end of the Reception year (‘expected’), exceeding this level (‘exceeding’), or not yet reaching this level (‘emerging’).
The completed EYFS Profile also includes a short commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three key characteristics of effective learning. This will support future curriculum planning and will provide the Year 1 teacher with important information about each child’s approach to learning.
The early years foundation stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.
The 7 areas of learning.
Early years learning concentrates on 7 areas split between prime and specific areas of learning, however they are not be used as checklists as each child develops at their own rate and in their own way, similarly children do not need to have achieved every part of each ELG to be deemed as at the expected level of development. Teaching is often done through play, where the child learns about subjects and other people through games.
New Starters information
We warmly welcome you to our Early Years setting. Below is information that we feel will be useful.
Every child will be offered a home visit before their entry to Nursery. Home visits are a good opportunity to meet you and your child and to share with yourselves information about our school. We strongly recommend that the visit happens. Your child with also be invited to visit Nursery before their start date. There will be one session where you are able to stay with your child. Please see the transition plan for further information and details.
Every half term your child will be given a class newsletter. This should give you all of the information that you may require. If you require further information then please ask a member of the Early Years team. The newsletters are also available to view on the website.
We recognise that transition into and out of our Early Years can be difficult for some children. We have written a full transition plan, which is on our website.
We will always offer extra transition opportunities for any children that are finding it difficult. If you have any questions, or you would like to discuss transition further, please contact the school.
Staff in the Early Years
Nursery staff
Nursery Teacher - Miss Sarah Tate
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Andrea Browning
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Leanne Sarsfield
Reception staff
Murphy Class Teacher - Mrs Lisa Inman/Miss Sarah Tate
Carle Class Teacher – Mrs Sarah Thornton/Miss Sarah Tate
ETA - Mrs Ruth Carnley